Kamal Joumblatt

PSP Marks 48th and Last Anniversary of Kamal Joumblatt's Assassination

On the 48th anniversary of the assassination of Druze leader Kamal Joumblatt, former Progressive Socialist Party (PSP) chief Walid Joumblatt announced the end of the annual March 16 commemoration. This decision comes amid a significant shift in Lebanon and the region, following the fall of Bashar al-Assad’s regime in Syria and the arrest of ...

W. Joumblatt Bans Certain PSP Members from Sunday's Commemorative Ceremony

Former PSP chief and Druze leader Walid Joumblatt denounced on Thursday members of his own party who went on a spree of firing in the air in the predominantly Druze city of Aley to celebrate the arrest of the alleged killer of Kamal Joumblatt, Walid's father, days ahead of the 48th anniversary of his assassination. An angry Joumblatt requested the ...

Ibrahim Huayja, One of Kamal Joumblatt’s Alleged Assassins, Arrested in Syria

“God is great.” These were the words used by Druze leader Walid Joumblatt following the announcement of the arrest, in Syria, of Ibrahim Huayja, a senior Syrian military official involved in the assassination of his father, Kamal Joumblatt, the founder of the Progressive Socialist Party (PSP), on March 16, 1977. The announcement was made ...

The Lebanese Killed by the Assad Regime for Their Sovereigntist Beliefs

Kamal Joumblatt On March 16, 1977, the Druze leader and founder of the Progressive Socialist Party (PSP), Kamal Joumblatt, was shot dead at the age of 60 in his car near the village of Baakline, in the Shouf mountains. The main suspects are members of the Baath Party and the Syrian Social Nationalist Party (SSNP). Salim Lawzi A well-known ...

Bashar al-Assad Ran Away… and Bashir Lives Forever in Us

It is a dream realized. Today, we will not hide our joy. We will celebrate, cheer and roam the squares. We will gather in Sassine Square, the square of the martyred President Bashir Gemayel, to raise a toast in his honor. We will then pass by the statue of Samir Qassir in downtown Beirut and stop by An-Nahar newspaper to salute Gebran Tueni. From ...

The Assad Reign in Lebanon: Discord and Destabilization

Four years ago, Lebanon celebrated the centennial of Greater Lebanon’s creation. It is important to acknowledge that almost half of these one hundred years were marked by the unfortunate conflicts with the Assad regime, from the early 1970s to the dramatic downfall of Bashar al-Assad and his regime on December 8, a historic day. Lebanon’s ...

Commemoration of Kamal Joumblatt's Birthday in Moukhtara

A crowd of Chouf residents gathered at Kamal Joumblatt's tomb in Moukhtara on Saturday, commemorating the day the founder of the Progressive Socialist Party (PSP) was born. In the presence of his wife, Diana Zaaiter, and his son Fouad, PSP leader and grandson of Kamal Joumblatt, Teymour Joumblatt, expressed the hope that this day of commemoration ...